What’s New Software Release 2024.12

Software Release 2024.12 Highlights

ModuleWorks announces the 2024.12 release of its software components. As we continue to innovate, this release underscores our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that drive the future of manufacturing. This latest release of the ModuleWorks SDK includes various new and enhanced features focusing on improving toolpath generation and simulation efficiency. These features contain enhancements across multiple components, ranging from 5-axis roughing to simulation.



Multi-Axis Surface Finishing | SWARF Machining

Accurate 4-Axis SWARF Mode

Challenge: The surfaces of some parts, such as cylindrical cams, can be geometrically machined using flank milling on a relatively inexpensive 4-axis machine. However, when machining with a tool smaller than the slot, it is difficult to optimally align the tool with the surfaces.

Solution: The new algorithm accounts for kinematic limitations during the initial toolpath calculation. This eliminates the need for 4-axis enforcement in post-processing, thereby reducing the risk of introducing inaccuracies.

Benefits: This enhancement improves the accuracy of parts, reduces machining costs, and offers greater flexibility in selecting tool diameters.

Multi-Axis Edge Finishing | Deburring

Consolidated 3+2 Behavior

Challenge: Currently, it is difficult to eliminate 5-axis movements during 3+2-axis deburring.

Solution: The common direction algorithm has been enhanced for deburring to ensure a 3+2 orientation with minimal 5-axis movements.

Benefits: The number of undesired 5-axis motions are minimized, resulting in safer, more accurate machining.

3-Axis Machining

Automatic Machining Area for Barrel Tools

Challenge: While machining a complete part, it is difficult for a user to manually identify and define the correct areas to effectively use the range of barrel tools.

Solution: With this enhancement, users will be able to split the part into different areas based on the toolpath strategy and the barrel tool definition.

Benefits: This enhancement allows efficient utilization of barrel tools for 3-axis finishing strategies which in turn improves the surface quality and reduces the overall machining time.

3-Axis Machining

Rest Finish Based on Previous Tool Shaft Length

Challenge: For deep core and cavity parts, it is common to generate toolpath with same tool but to split the operation into multiple operations based on the tool stick out length. In the previous releases, it was difficult for the user to create a rest finish operation with a longer tool if the part was partially machined with the same tool but with shorter tool stick out length.

Solution: A new option is introduced that automatically detects the areas which are left by the previous short tool and can be machined by longer tool stick out length.

Benefits: Splitting the toolpath into multiple zones based on the tool length can improve the surface quality as appropriate speeds and feeds can be used. This also reduces the programming time by automatically finding the rest regions which could not be reached by a shorter tool.

Multi-Axis Roughing | Rotary Machining Roughing

Support for Fixtures/Chucks for Rotary Roughing

Challenge: All rotary parts are secured on the machine using a chuck or fixture. When machining the outer diameter, the tool and the holder are more exposed to the fixture which increases the probability of collision.

Solution: Fixtures/Chucks can now be selected as a mesh/model which is then spun and the resulting profile is used to avoid collision.

Benefits: Support for fixtures/chucks provides more safety and confidence to the user during toolpath generation. This also simplifies implementation for CAM partners.

Multi-Axis Surface Finishing | Rotary Machining Finishing

Support for Fixtures/Chucks for Rotary Roughing

Challenge: All rotary parts are secured on the machine using a chuck or fixture. However, when machining the outer diameter, this means that the tool and holder are more exposed to the fixture which increases the probability of collision.

Solution: Fixtures and chucks can now be selected as a mesh/model. The mesh/model is then spun and the resulting profile is used to avoid collisions.

Benefits: Support for fixtures and chucks enhances machining safety and empowers users to fully leverage the toolpath generation software. Additionally, it streamlines implementation for CAM partners.

3-Axis Machining

Multi-passes with Depth Step Option for Flatland Finishing

Challenge: Currently, multiple operations are needed to finish and semi finish the flat areas on a part. This increases the programming time.

Solution: Now, there is a provision to define multiple passes along with depth step for flatland finishing.

Benefits: This ensures excess stock on the flat areas gets removed in a single operation which in turn increases the programming efficiency.

3-Axis Machining

Single Pass Flatland Toolpath

Challenge: Currently, when using offset pattern to mill a flat area, thin areas smaller than the tool diameter can have a lot of air machining as offsets are generated from both sides of the flat area boundary.

Solution: The new strategy is introduced which creates a medial axis pass along thin areas to mill thin flat areas optimally.

Benefits: This strategy avoids air machining by generating an optimal single pass, resulting in reduced machining cycle time.


Smooth Factor for B-Axis Profile

Challenge: At corners, tool orientation changes suddenly to achieve the required orientation for given location.

Solution: Using the smooth factor, users will have option to apply tool orientation smoothing. The tool orientation will be blended smoothly between two locations so that there sudden change in tool orientation is avoided.

Benefits: With this feature, sudden tool orientation changes are avoided which greatly improves the surface quality while ensuring smooth operation.


Simulation SDK | Cutting Simulation

New Graph-Based Triangulation

Challenge: Users frequently struggle to achieve optimal triangulation because performance and stock quality must be balanced. For very large and complex stock models, simulation responsiveness is poor. Also, mesh export of complex stock models may require time-consuming methods for mesh simplification. Sometimes it happens that this process causes non-manifold meshes.

Solution: A new triangulation method is introduced based on our internal nail graph model.

Benefits: The new triangulation method results in significantly faster stock drawing and mesh export. This results in improved overall simulation performance. Besides this, we increase the likelihood of watertight mesh export with the new triangulation.

Simulation Systems | NC Editor

Dynamic Selection of Work Offset in Visualizer

Challenge: Previously, users had to manually enter values in the work offset table under Job Setup, which was a time-consuming process.

Solution: To select the work offset, users can snap and choose positions on the stock or target part geometry in the visualizer.

Benefits: This enhancement reduces manual calculations, making the work easier.

There are many other new enhancements in this release.

Want to learn more about What’s New in Software Release 2024.12?
