Automatic 3+2-Axis Roughing

Automatic 3+2-Axis Roughing

Faster and Efficient Positional Roughing

Parts with positional features need multiple setups, and this can lead to higher cycle times and process errors. Complex part geometries don’t allow for pure 3-axis roughing. In these scenarios ModuleWorks Automatic 3+2-Axis Roughing provides an efficient solution. By just selecting part geometry, users can generate roughing toolpaths for multiple sides automatically. This helps to avoid the manual labor of finding the correct direction for roughing of features such as undercuts.

Major Challenges

Complexity of Programming

Finding the correct direction of roughing for complex multi-sided parts is a tedious task, where the effectiveness of the process depends on users’ skills and experience. This increases the programming time as well as the machining cycle time of the parts.

Avoiding Collisions

Collision checking is also a major challenge as no information about the current rest material and the in-process stock is generally available.

Higher Machining Costs

Overall machining cost increases due to longer programming time, requirement of skilled programmers and longer machining time due to inefficient toolpath.

Solution Offered by ModuleWorks

With ModuleWorks Automatic 3+2-Axis Roughing, the system automatically generates a roughing toolpath from different directions, including undercut areas that are inaccessible from the primary machining direction.

Key Features

Automatic 3+2-Axis Roughing allows users to do the machining from multiple directions in a single operation. It generates an automatic roughing toolpath from different directions based on the areas with the most rest material.

The dynamic holder collision checking protects the holder against the in-process stock that changes continuously during machining, and the actual workpiece. It also helps users check the required minimum tool length for safe machining.

With automatic indexing, the system identifies the machining positions by detecting the maximum material, undercuts, most rest material, and best tool access with minimum orientation changes.

The in-process stock manager is directly integrated into the cycle. It analyzes stock to visualize and measure the remaining material which helps in adjusting the roughing toolpath automatically.

Key Benefits

Easier and faster roughing of complex parts with multiple undercuts

Collision-free and safe toolpath using Dynamic Holder Collision (DHC) checking

Reduced machining cost with automatic roughing process and minimum indexing

Optimized toolpath generation through an automatic iterative process

Want to learn more about the ModuleWorks Automatic 3+2-Axis Roughing product?
