Integrated Simulation Systems for Laser Surface Treatment of Complex Parts
Project start: Apr 2013
Project end: Apr 2015
The Task: CAM strategies for laser surface treatment of freeform surfaces on a 5-Axis machine.
Sim4SurfT focuses on developing an innovative software supported technology for laser hardening, enabling an intelligent integration of software and manufacturing processes for the production of geometrically complex form tools. By using this technology cost-efficient production even for piece production becomes possible.
Sim4SurfT focuses on developing an innovative software supported technology for laser hardening, enabling an intelligent integration of software and manufacturing processes for the production of geometrically complex form tools. By using this technology cost-efficient production even for piece production becomes possible.
Funding agency
Dieses Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt wird mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) innerhalb des Verbundprojektes ERANET-MANUNET, mit dem Kennzeichen 02PJ2521 gefördert und vom Projektträger Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Bereich Produktion und Fertigungstechnologien (PTKA-PFT), betreut.”