
The Company’s New Business Heads

ModuleWorks announces the creation of three new senior positions as well as the successor to Heiko Weber, former Head of Digital Manufacturing. Continued growth has led to the creation of new positions which will enable ModuleWorks to deliver more highly integrated business and technology solutions to its customers. New appointments in the ModuleWorks Business Areas.From […]

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A Place to Grow and Develop: New Building in Aachen

ModuleWorks was founded in 2003 in Aachen and is still located there today. This might seem astonishing at first – Aachen is not a city particularly known around the world, and certainly one of the last cities to be thought of as a metropole. But ModuleWorks is located there for good reasons.  The internationally acclaimed Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) is

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ModuleWorks, AixPath and Tornos Develop New Software

ModuleWorks, AixPath and Tornos have developed new software for the Tornos SwissDECO machine tool. The software combines the productivity benefits of high-precision Swiss type machining with the flexibility of continuous multi-axis milling and turning in a single machining process. Tornos TISIS interface with integrated ModuleWorks and AixPath technology for continuous multi-axis turning and milling Traditionally

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