Elvira Just


Machine & process development for robust microstructuring of freeform shapes Project start: Nov 2006 Project end: Nov 2009 Details The Task: Control and GU interface for high dynamic machining. OptiStruct focuses on developing a complete process chain for robust, shape cutting microstructuring of freeform shapes. This eases the complexity of process chains for freeform shaped optic […]

OptiStruct Weiterlesen »


Intelligent machining window Project start: Sept 2014 Project end: Sept 2017 Details The Task: Intelligent machining window. iWindow focuses on replacing the actually used viewing windows on a machine, which are very expensive, by intelligent machining windows (e.g. transparent displays or standard monitors where the machining room is displayed). The intelligent machining window combines the real

iWindow Weiterlesen »


Development of an abrasive 5-Axis waterjet process Project start: Aug 2014 Project end: Aug 2017 Details The Task: Development of strategies for 5-Axis toolpath planning for waterjet milling High-strength and brittle-rigid materials cause high tool waste on conventional milling processes, so that the costs for these processes are very high. This applies in particular for

HydroMill Weiterlesen »


ModuleWorks release 2014.12 CAD/CAM components

December sees the release of the latest version of the ModuleWorks components, 2014.12, the third major update of 2014.  As always, we have added a broad range of new features across the product range and this latest update includes new and enhanced features for 3-Axis, 5-Axis, Port Machining and Simulation. ModuleWorks is at the forefront

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ModuleWorks and vectorcam extend partnership agreement

ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM components for 3-5-Axis toolpath generation and simulation have extended their partnership with CAD/CAM provider, vectorcam GmbH, and will now provide 5-Axis machining technology for the vectorcam product. vectorcam GmbH became ModuleWorks’ 50th CAD/CAM industry partner in 2011 when they entered an agreement to integrate ModuleWorks simulation technology as a

ModuleWorks and vectorcam extend partnership agreement Weiterlesen »

ModuleWorks to show Adaptive Roughing Improvements at Euromold

ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM components for 5-Axis machining and CNC simulation, will show the latest version of its CAM components, version 2014.08 at Euromold, the world fair for Moldmaking and Tooling, (Hall 8, booth E-112) in Frankfurt, Germany from 25-28th November 2014. ModuleWorks is at the forefront of 5-Axis machining and Simulation technology,

ModuleWorks to show Adaptive Roughing Improvements at Euromold Weiterlesen »

ModuleWorks and Alphacam confirm partnership

ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM components for 3-5-Axis toolpath generation and simulation have confirmed their partnership with leading CAD/CAM vendor, Alphacam, and will now offer ModuleWorks 5-Axis machining technology as part of the Alphacam product. Alphacam is an intelligent and intuitive CAD/CAM Software package for Woodworking, Metal & Stone Cutting developed by Vero Software.

ModuleWorks and Alphacam confirm partnership Weiterlesen »

ModuleWorks partner with AMC Bridge to provide development services

ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM components for 5-Axis machining and CNC simulation, have announced a development partnership with AMC Bridge to provide integration and custom development services to ModuleWorks Partners around the globe. AMC Bridge has been providing software development services for more than 15 years. It specializes in delivering solutions for CAD, CAE,

ModuleWorks partner with AMC Bridge to provide development services Weiterlesen »

ModuleWorks to show 2014.08 CAD/CAM components at IMTS

ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM components for 5-Axis machining and CNC simulation, will show the latest version of its CAM components, version 2014.08 at IMTS, the International Manufacturing Technology Show 2014, (booth E-3133) in Chicago from 8-13th September 2014. ModuleWorks is at the forefront of 5-Axis machining and Simulation technology, providing the machining and

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ModuleWorks release 2014.08 CAD/CAM components

ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM components for toolpath generation and simulation, has announced the latest release of its CAM components, ModuleWorks 2014.08, the second major update of 2014.  Each ModuleWorks release contains many new and enhanced features across the product range. This latest version includes new features for 5-Axis, 3-Axis, Port Machining and Simulation.

ModuleWorks release 2014.08 CAD/CAM components Weiterlesen »