Elvira Just

ModuleWorks achieves 15 times faster test cycles for Precision CAM with IncrediBuild

PR Story published by IncrediBuild: www.incredibuild.com     ModuleWorks is a software component provider for the CAD/CAM industry. ModuleWorks’ expertise in 5-Axis Machining and Simulation is recognized throughout the CAM industry and its software components and development services are used by the majority of the leading CAM vendors. ModuleWorks 5-Axis and Simulation software has been […]

ModuleWorks achieves 15 times faster test cycles for Precision CAM with IncrediBuild Weiterlesen »

Quendy expands its portfolio with ModuleWorks 2-Axis technology

Quendy is a software development company that offers specialized development and integration services for providers of CAD/CAM software. After successful integration projects using the ModuleWorks simulation and 3-Axis technology, Quendy is extending its software integration portfolio to include the ModuleWorks 2-Axis component.   Vectorcam user interface with integrated ModuleWorks functionality The ModuleWorks 2-Axis technology is

Quendy expands its portfolio with ModuleWorks 2-Axis technology Weiterlesen »

Wie ein High Tech Unternehmen Nachwuchs findet

Auszug aus dem Newsletter der europäischen Fachhochschule Ausgabe 113/2015 von RENATE KRAFT, EUFH IT­ gestützte Technologien machen es möglich: Die Entwicklung und Produktion neuer Produkte geht heute rasend schnell und zugleich extrem präzise. Dafür sorgen hochspezialisierte High Tech Schmieden wie die Module Works GmbH in Aachen. Beim Weltmarktführer für Software­-Komponenten für die digitale Fertigung arbeitet

Wie ein High Tech Unternehmen Nachwuchs findet Weiterlesen »

Twin Control

Based virtual manufacturing for machine tool-process simulation and control Project start: Oct 2015 Project end: Sept 2019 Details Twin-Control is a new concept of machine tool simulation because it unifies the different concepts that affect the machining process, combining advanced simulation models and including vital aspects in today’s industry, such as maintenance and energy efficiency.

Twin Control Weiterlesen »

Machine tool simulation will be reinvented by means of the European project Twin-Control

ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM components for toolpath creation and CNC simulation is happy to join the consortium for the European Twin Control project. The first of October saw the start of the European project Twin-Control, an alliance of eleven European partners that aims to design a new concept for machine tool and machining

Machine tool simulation will be reinvented by means of the European project Twin-Control Weiterlesen »

ModuleWorks and Power Automation develop interactive 3D Real-Time Simulation

ModuleWorks and Power Automation develop interactive 3D Real-Time Simulation and unique Technology for Real-time Collision Avoidance on CNC Controls     ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM components for 5-Axis machining and CNC simulation, and Power Automation, the leading manufacturer for pc-based CNC and Soft-CNC Systems, have been working in partnership on applying Simulation and

ModuleWorks and Power Automation develop interactive 3D Real-Time Simulation Weiterlesen »

Aixtooling and ModuleWorks bring benefits of Optics Research to Industry

ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM software components for machining and simulation, and Aixtooling, providers of precision molding technology for optical glass, are pleased to announce the results of their partnership.   Aixtooling and ModuleWorks first worked together on research projects as far back as 2008. These projects, and in particular 3DOptics and OptiStruct helped

Aixtooling and ModuleWorks bring benefits of Optics Research to Industry Weiterlesen »

ModuleWorks and Fanuc show CNC Simulation at EMO

ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM components for 5-Axis machining and CNC simulation, and Fanuc Europe, a dedicated specialist for factory automation, are pleased to present the results of their partnership at EMO 2015 in Milan.   On the ModuleWorks stand at EMO will be a demonstration of real-time collision avoidance running on the Fanuc

ModuleWorks and Fanuc show CNC Simulation at EMO Weiterlesen »

ModuleWorks and Bosch Rexroth partner to show CNC Simulation at EMO

ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM components for 5-Axis machining and CNC simulation, Bosch Rexroth, as specialist for drive and control technology, present the latest results of their partnership at EMO 2015 in Milan. The solution provides a range of simulation options, from visualising cutting simulation to full machine simulation of complex machine tools with

ModuleWorks and Bosch Rexroth partner to show CNC Simulation at EMO Weiterlesen »

ModuleWorks to show Hurco CNC Simulation at EMO 2015

ModuleWorks, the leading supplier of CAD/CAM components for 5-Axis machining and CNC simulation, and Hurco, providers of unique, innovative software and CNC controls that are integrated into their growing product line of CNC machines, are delighted to present the latest results of their partnership at EMO. The latest version of the WinMax control from Hurco

ModuleWorks to show Hurco CNC Simulation at EMO 2015 Weiterlesen »